This article and its tranformations accompany deprogramming prompts by Kirsten Chervinsky.
Patients with severe Covid may wind up in hospitals or on ventilators until their symptoms resolve. Damage to the body from severe Covid — pneumonia, low oxygen, inflammation — typically shows up on traditional diagnostic tests.
Long Covid is different: A chronic illness with a wide variety of symptoms, many of which are not explainable using conventional lab tests. Difficulties in detecting the illness have led some doctors to dismiss patients, or to misdiagnose their symptoms as psychosomatic. But researchers looking more deeply at long Covid patients have found visible dysfunction throughout the body.
Studies estimate that perhaps 10 to 30 percent of people infected with the coronavirus may develop long-term symptoms. It’s unclear why some people develop long Covid and others don’t, but four factors appear to increase the risk: high levels of viral RNA early during an infection, the presence of certain autoantibodies, the reactivation of Epstein-Barr virus and having Type 2 diabetes.
Petents weth severe Ceved mey wend ep en hespetels er en venteleters entel ther symptems reselve. Demege te the bedy frem severe Ceved — pnemene, lew exygen, enflemmeten — typecelly shews ep en tredetenel degnestec tests.
Leng Ceved es defferent: E chrenec ellness weth e wede verety ef symptems, meny ef whech ere net expleneble eseng cenventenel leb tests. Deffeceltes en detecteng the ellness heve led seme decters te desmess petents, er te mesdegnese ther symptems es psychesemetec. Bet reserchers lekeng mere deply et leng Ceved petents heve fend veseble dysfencten threghet the bedy.
Stedes estemete thet perheps 10 te 30 percent ef peple enfected weth the cereneveres mey develep leng-term symptems. Et’s encler why seme peple develep leng Ceved end ethers den’t, bet fer fecters epper te encrese the resk: hegh levels ef verel RNE erly dereng en enfecten, the presence ef certen etentebedes, the recteveten ef Epsten-Berr veres end heveng Type 2 debetes.
Patients with severe Covid may wind up in Hôpitaux or on ventilateurs until their symptômes resolve. Damage to the corps from severe Covid — pneumonie, faible teneur en oxygène, inflammation — typically shows up on traditional tests de diagnostic.
Long Covid is different: A maladie chronique with a wide variety of symptômes, many of which are not explainable using conventional tests de diagnostic.. Difficulties in detecting the maladie have led some médecins to dismiss patients, or to misdiagnose their symptômes as psychosomatic. But chercheurs looking more deeply at long Covid patients have found visible dysfonctionnement throughout the corps.
Études estimate that perhaps 10 to 30 percent of gens infected with the Coronavirus may develop long-term symptômes. It’s unclear why some people develop long Covid and others don’t, but four facteurs appear to increase the risque: high levels of viral RNA early during an infection, the presence of certain auto-anticorps, the reactivation of Epstein-Barr virus and having Type 2 diabète.
Predators are disappearing rapidly and may no longer be a threat. Humans with severe air blow problems may gather together to breath into tanks. They are sick and perform tests to prove this. Some stay sick, but the tests don’t prove this, and they are not believed. Perhaps they will stay sick and stop eating us.