Radio Deprogramming

Inactive Speaker

An event score for Zoom deprogramming

Unmute your microphone audio in Zoom.

Think of a sound you can comfortably repeat many times with your voice. Begin making that sound as quietly as you can. Gradually increase its loudness.

Eventually Zoom will identify someone new as the active speaker (their image will appear larger and/or be outlined in a green border). When someone else becomes the active speaker, start over at the quietest level and gradually increase loudness again.

If Zoom selects you as the active speaker, stop repeating your sound and instead begin speaking in a whisper. Describe the most mundane thing you experienced today, or read the text of this event score if you prefer. Whisper for as long as you see the green border around your image; when it disappears, pause and listen for a moment. Then start over with repeating a sound quietly, increasing in loudness.